Minutes & Newsletters

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See also: Windy City Calendar

Meeting Minutes

Generally, Windy City Chapter meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Metcalfe Federal Building, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago IL, 12th floor.


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Available Electronic Versions of Meeting Minutes & Presentations:

April 9, 2017 (Windy City Chapter History - Where It All Begins.pptx, 134MB) *THIS FILE IS HUGE!!! Please first, right-click on the file name to download the file. Open the file in PowerPoint, and hit "F5" on your keyboeard to run the slideshow -OR- select the "Slideshow" tab and select "From the Beginning" to run the slideshow.
January 20, 2016
November 2015
October 2015

In honor of Black History and Alice Tregay, members may wish to review Alice's Ordinary People (.pdf), a documentary film about how ordinary people effected extraordinary change for human rights. The chapter originally viewed the presentation with Alice during our August 2013 meeting.

If you would like to obtain minutes and information from other meeting dates not listed above, please contact us.



Windy City Few is proud to participate in events that tap into our talents, energy and resources. Please read our quarterly newsletters (in Adobe PDF format) which highlight most significant activities and outreach efforts:

2016 Newsletters
Spring 2016, March Issue (forthcoming)

2015 Newsletters
Winter 2015, March Issue (forthcoming)


Chapter Forms

Windy City Few now has disbursement and deposit forms (in Adobe PDF format) for members to use when they have a deposit or need reimbursement from the Chapter.

Request for Deposit of Funds
Request for Disbursement of Funds



Training Resources

The Windy City Chapter participates in numerous training opportunities throughout the year. Many of the training resources may become available here as provided to the chapter.

Great Lakes Regional Training Program, Hyatt, Lisle, IL October 2011:

Chapter Officer Training (.ppt)
Declaration for Mental Health Treatment (.pdf)
Living Will (.pdf)
Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney for Health Care (.pdf)
Uniform Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Advance Directive (.pdf)
Facilitation Skills for Leaders (.pptx)
Facilitation Techniques for Planning Facilitating Meetings (.pdf)

See also: Calendar


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